Try our updated Subscription Service

by The Horde

 Never Miss an Issue Again!

Did you know that you can create and manage a pull list directly from your Challenges Games and Comics Comixology profile?

What is ComiXology?

Comixology is a place to rate and discuss comics
  • Find every comic in the weekly release schedule, issue-by-issue
  • Keep your pull-list online
  • See related titles in a series
  • Post comments and share your opinion of every issue
  • Write reviews of your favorite items

Comixology partners with your local comic shop to bring you the best in digital and traditional print comics.  You can login to the Challenges virtual cover gallery and see an updated listing of  both comics and comic related items that are available in the shop! With Comixology, you are free to make selections from all of the major imprints like Marvel and DC plus more than 35 independent publishers.  Sign up for a free account and you can even make a pull list — think of it as your own  personal VIP subscription service.  Choose the books you want and the next time you come in on Wednesday, everyone’s favorite day of the week, we’ll already have them sorted and ready to take home.  Never miss another variant cover, short-run or popular title. Your books are set aside as soon as we receive the shipment!



How to use Previews!

by The Horde



Challenges Games and Comics offers an online version of Previews for your ordering convenience!


Use Previews to Manage Subscriptions

by horde

Challenges Games and Comics offers an online version of Previews for your ordering convenience!


Try Our Subscription Service

by The Horde

 Never Miss an Issue Again!

Did you know that you can create and manage a pull list directly from your Challenges Games and Comics Comixology profile?

What is ComiXology?

Comixology is a place to rate and discuss comics
  • Find every comic in the weekly release schedule, issue-by-issue
  • Keep your pull-list online
  • See related titles in a series
  • Post comments and share your opinion of every issue
  • Write reviews of your favorite items

Comixology partners with your local comic shop to bring you the best in digital and traditional print comics.  You can login to the Challenges virtual cover gallery and see an updated listing of  both comics and comic related items that are available in the shop! With Comixology, you are free to make selections from all of the major imprints like Marvel and DC plus more than 35 independent publishers.  Sign up for a free account and you can even make a pull list — think of it as your own  personal VIP subscription service.  Choose the books you want and the next time you come in on Wednesday, everyone’s favorite day of the week, we’ll already have them sorted and ready to take home.  Never miss another variant cover, short-run or popular title. Your books are set aside as soon as we receive the shipment!

